Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) is an annual with edible leaves, flower and seeds. A useful companion, it repels insects that damage squash, cucumber, broccoli and cabbage plants.
Plant of the Month, February, 2013
In the summer of 2010, Bath Gamma Garden Club created an herb garden next to the Saltbox House at Hale Farm and Village. This year, our Plant of the Month articles will highlight some of the more unusual and useful plants in the Salt Box garden – plants that may be suitable for your home garden like the nasturtiums shown here.
In the summer of 2010, Bath Gamma Garden Club created an herb garden next to the Saltbox House at Hale Farm and Village. This year, our Plant of the Month articles will highlight some of the more unusual and useful plants in the Salt Box garden – plants that may be suitable for your home garden like the nasturtiums shown here.